Monday, December 29, 2008

Be Careful of Cells / Panels Made in Zhejiang

Recently we've received some complains from Spain that they've got some panels shipped from Ningbo (a commercial city located in East Zhejiang Province of China). The panels are bad, regardless of their labels marked as A0 products. The cells have significent chromatic aberrations. The power output is not stable. 

Well, congratulations, you've got one of the infamous province's products. The province was, and is always famous for its pirated, cheap but bad quality products. Despite of some world famous factories in the province are still manufacturing good quality products, many smaller workshop do sell (mainly domestically) un-qualified products. 

So, please be aware, when you receive a very low price, from an unknown workshop in the province, do check the background of that company, and better fly over and check by yourself. Don't risk yourself. Although I am not accusing the whole province's industry, I do express my concern on the issues that may seriously poison the market. 

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